If you are interested in learning more about animal welfare, lifestyle, rescuing, etc. You are in the right place! 

Animal Rescue

This is a form of helping an animal in need. To rescue them from a un-fit situation. This could be in many ways. Such as, off the streets or from a bad owner, etc. 

Animal Welfare

Is the state of animal being well treated. This means any animal regardless of any factors is protected. It is the animal's quality of life. 

Fun facts

Did you know that a polar bear's coat is actually not white? Or that Pitbull's are one of the most loyal dog breeds and are actually great family pets. They just have been bad-named due to the way Pitbull's were trained in the past.  

If I find a stray animal, what should I do?

The first thing to do is asses the situation if the animal seems to need immediate medical care, it is best to call the local emergency medical facility for animals. If you are not trained to handle the type of animal you encounter it is best to call a local animal rescue group so the animal is in the right care it needs. If you are in the right, safe position to rescue the animal yourself. You need to make sure you do not touch the animal directly as this could scare it further. First try to approach it slowly and see how it reacts if it seems timid it is best to let it warm up to it first or let someone help you. It is usually safest to rescue common domesticated animals like dogs/cats/bunnies. But even then make sure you are being very calm and understanding as this animal could be hurt or scared of humans. Then you want to slowly transport it to your car by either picking it up/or getting it into a crate. If you have some sort of food/treat that you know is safe for that animal that could also help to get them to warm up to you and get easily transported into the vehicle. It is usually best to take it to a vet before you bring it to your home, if that is not an option at the time. Until then find a safe space for the animal to rest and be comfortable until you are able to take it to a vet as soon as possible.

I want a pet but don't know what the right one is for me?

  The best thing you can do for an animal from a shelter is adopt it and give it the love it needs. So, contacting your local shelter to see what pets they have is a great way to start. But even before that make sure you are ready for a pet to take care of them, feed them, love them, and give them the adequate things needed to live their best life.  If you are able to provide that. Then to find the right pet for you try researching what animals would be fit based on your personality, space/ home, amount of time you spend at home, exercise, energy, and what you look for in a pet. 

How can I help?

If you are interested in helping animals and don't know where to get started. Joining our team is a great start. You would be able to educate others, be part of a rescue team, participate in fundraiser events, and so much more. If you are unable to join, donating helps save animals lives. If you are able to donate you would be raising money to get treatment for animals  in need, fund rescues, or even save an animals life just by donating! You can also volunteer with our group and be able to help our team.